Friday, July 3, 2009

Final Post

I know I am posting this late and I am very sorry. Anyways I just wanted to say that throughout the course of this class I have learned not only a lot about myself and my personal views on the world, but others as well. I have been opened up to different experiences and different aspects and for the most part it has been for the better. Its funny a month ago I could watch TV and most of the racism or stereotypical behavior of the media would just be brushed of by me and I would not even think twice. Now watching TV, going on the Internet, listening to music I am more aware of all these things and it is really amazing to me how much racism and how many stereotypes are really out their. This class has been a great learning experience, I enjoyed everyone in the class. We had great discussions and watched some great films that really made us think. I really enjoyed watching "When the Levees Broke" and "Gran Torino," and I also really enjoyed our discussion on Hip-Hop music. I wanted to take the time to thank everyone in the class because I really did enjoy my time in there this summer... With that being said I want to do a brief post on the Disney movie we watched the last day of class.

Personally I feel that the movie was over the top and ridiculous. When watching this film it made me feel like all the Disney movies I watched when I was growing up was wrong and that as an adult I should horribly screwed up, which I'm not, or least I don't think I am. Don't get me wrong the people speaking in this film did have a few valid points, such as blacks being portrayed as the monkeys in jungle book, and the hyenas in the Lion King, that I can agree with and say "yeah they could have gone in a different direction with the voices." However, some of their points were just laughable. The Beast in Beauty and the Beast was an abusive partner and poor helpless Belle was the victim??? Or the Little Mermaid lost her voice so she got the guy with her body??? Or the story of how the Indians and Europeans met was not the reality in Pocahontas and we should show our kids the truth? Seriously people these are children's movies. Kids do not need to know the reality of how Europeans came to America and killed thousands of Indians. Children cannot understand that, nor should they have to. I think in the end it is the parents to tell the children which is right and wrong, what they should believe and what not to believe. Like I said I watched these movies when I was a kid and I turned out fine, and I can guarantee you that my kids will probably watch these films as well and I pray that they will be okay to. But if by some chance they are messed up, I will guarantee you it is not because of watching Disney films.

Related Links:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Racism in Movies

Over the past couple of days in class we have been watching the movie Gran Torino; the story follows a grumpy old man who lives in a neighborhood that is no longer predominantly white and he is a very racist to his Mong neighbors. He uses the worst stereotypical phrases and terms when referring to these people it really make you drop your jaw at some of the things he says.

Also during the past couple of days before we began watching the film we have talked about Transformers 2 and the controversy that surrounds that as well. In that particular film there are two “black” robots that posses negative stereotypes of African-American people. Examples in the film are using slang words, being illiterate and one even having a gold tooth. Both movies posses’ traits of racism, Gran Torino being more blatantly open about it, but there are still there.

My questions are when is racism or negative stereotypes okay to be used in movies if ever? Also, Could Transformers been just as funny and mediocre if the two robots we not so negatively stereotyped and modeled after African-Americans? I think the answer is yes. I also think that racism or negative stereotypes are okay to be used in movies when it shows just how ridiculous racism is. I feel that is what makes Gran Torino unique and different is the way the story unfolds. Now I do not want to spoil the end of the movie for whoever is reading this right now but even though racist terms and remakes are throughout the movie over time you begin to see that racism and hatred is no longer the case. Another movie that comes to mind about racism and negative stereotypes is Boyz n The Hood and how all young black men want to be gang bangers. Race was used quite a bit throughout that movie and then in the end the message and moral to the story was to increase the peace.

These are the times where I feel racism and negative stereotypes are okay in movies. In the case of Transformers race had nothing to do with the story, there was no need or point to having it within the film, and I think that is why people get upset and offended when they see it. Films that revolve around race don’t come around very often and they have to be dealt with carefully, but normally they possess a strong message that is able to open people’s eyes and influence change. What is sad is that most movies have racism and negative stereotypes in them and they have nothing to do with the film, yet still they deem it necessary to have it in them and in the end I feel that is just morally wrong.

Related Link:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Goal

So my dream and goal that I would like to be at in 20 years is a sports writer for the Dallas Morning News covering NBA basketball and the Dallas Mavericks. Now I am sure in 20 years that newspapers will be a thing of the past so whatever a journalist does (online things) that is what I want to be doing. I grew up playing basketball and I love the NBA over any sport in the world. I also want to cover the Dallas Mavericks because I am from Dallas so I am a home town kid. I would be close to all my family and I love Dallas it would be a great place to raise a family. In my personal life I hope to be happily married in 20 years to a hot wife and have a couple of kids.

In ten years I see myself still working up the ladder to become a solid journalist. By the time I am 32 I see myself working in the middle of the pack in the newsroom. Covering smaller sports such as high school and college basketball games. Honestly I do not see myself at the Dallas Morning News yet. I see myself working for a mid size organization, like the Fort Worth Star Telegram or something of that nature. By the time I am 32 I would like to be already married and have at least one of my two kids. I hope to make a solid wage so I can support my wife and we can live in a nice home in a nice neighborhood so we can begin to start to raise our children.

By this time next year I will have been graduated from OU for about six months. I really hope that the economy is better by then and that I have just gotten my foot in the door. I see myself doing one of two things, interning at a medium size organization which could possibly lead to a job or I could see myself writing for a small circulation paper cover local sports like middle school and high school type games. In my personal life I see myself back at home living with my parents for a while so I can save up enough money to get my own place.

This is my goal for the future. I really do hope it goes the way I picture it in my mind. Still everyday is a different and who knows what tomorrow holds for me. Hopefully my goal I have wanted all my life will come true... I will walk around the corner and trip and fall into a pile of money and not have to work a day for the rest of my life. Since I don't see that happening a my other dream as a sports writer will have to do.

Monday, June 22, 2009

When the Levees Broke

On today’s post I would like to talk about a film I watched today in class, it was called “When the Levees Broke.” It was a documentary shown on HBO about Hurricane Katrina and all aspects of it both positive and negative. I know on our syllabus the suggested theme today is diversity and the professions, but I really want to talk about the film because it sheds so much light on the matter and gives information to people who still have no clue about what was going on in New Orleans at that time.

I personally have family in New Orleans, and luckily none of them where heavily affected by the storm, they did have some water damages but they did not lose their homes thank goodness. My family was fortunate, however watching this video today and seeing people suffering they way they did and how there was not much help provided to them really puts me in a state of disbelief. I know this term has been overused but… this is the United States of America, you would think that if something happened to our people in our country help would be provided and nothing else would matter. That did not happen for Katrina, why? I really don’t know why, it amazes me along with many other people why help was not more responsive to the situation. A Tsunami disaster that takes place half way around the world, America is there within two days. For Katrina it took two weeks, that just does not make sense to me. Now I am sure there are circumstances that we as everyday citizens can’t understand, things such as who has the power in this situation? Who makes the final decisions on what’s going to happen? Etc. Still, personally I feel that when there is a situation, rather it be from weather or terrorist attacks or whatever, anything that threatens American lives on American soil that should be priority number one, everything else in the world can be put on hold to help our people, and I do not think I am out of line in saying that.

In the end this video really opened up my eyes today, it showed me parts of Katrina that I might never had known. Seeing this video really makes you think about a lot of things and it gets me kind of heated as you can tell from this post. It was an eye opening experience to say the least.

Related Links:

Wiki page dedicated to the delayed response, thats how poor it was

Picture of New Orleans under water after Katrina

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stereotypes in the media

I was reading comments that people made on blogs yesterday and one blog talked about how the media tends to focus on the stereotypical cheerleader, the blonde haired, skinny, spunky girl which many of us have built up in our minds as being the typical cheerleader. The author of the blog then questioned the media saying that because the media focuses on this image it affects younger girls who strive to become that image, a valid point. However, the first comment on the blog said, “Which came first, the stereotype? Or the media focus on that image?”

It really got me thinking, did I come up with these stereotypical images of people first and then the media just justifies my ideas? Or has the media put these stereotypical thoughts in my head and now I have these views and feelings? I think it could be both, I could have been raised and taught a certain way that might cause me to have a stereotype towards someone or something, but then I ask the question, where did my parents get those views? Was it the way there were raised or the media? In my personal opinion I feel that media has been such a big part of my entire life that it would have more of an impact on me when establishing stereotypes.

The media can pick and choose what type of people and what type of image they want to portray. They can also edit anything they say to make it sound how they want it to sound. Then as we, the viewer, watch these images and listen to what they say we form these stereotypes, and if we had a previous stereotype about someone or something it can just justify those ideas. We have talked about it many times before, the media affects our lives rather we are aware of it or completely oblivious to it. It is able to put images and thoughts in our head, which we then express in our lives. In the end I really feel that stereotypes are formed by the media and that when we see a certain image about someone or something over and over again we automatically think of these stereotypical thoughts. Then the next time we see someone who has similar characteristics of that image we immediately label them and stereotype them. It is a chain reaction that once it begins, there is really no stopping it. Of course, this is just my personal opinion.

Related Links:

Minorities portrayed in news

Look at the picture and then read the captions

Monday, June 15, 2009

Free Expression

"It’s a free country!" remember when you used to say that all the time as a kid when someone told you not to do something? In America we feel that we can do or say anything because we are the land of the free. We are allowed to freely express our emotions and views whenever we like, but I do not believe that is true.

I feel that freedom of expression is a touchy subject. We tell ourselves we have this God given right, the freedom to do what we want when we want, however in reality and in today's world that is not exactly true. People constantly have to watch their mouths and their actions so that they do not come under scrutiny by their family, friends, and peers. Examples of this are shown in the media when high profile figures say or do something that they feel they have the right to do when they really don’t. They make a comment about someone or something and it ends up offending many people and then they are immediately scrutinized for their actions.

In reality we cannot say nor do anything we want. Deep down inside we might feel a certain way about a certain subject, but we will never let those emotions out because of the fear of how people will then perceive us after we make those actions. It really makes you wonder about what freedom of expression means. How much can we freely express? I feel that it varies from subject to subject. Obviously nobody wants to hurt or offend anyone but if we have to bite our tongues from time to time then are we truly allowed to express ourselves the way we want to? The answer is no. There is always a line on how far someone can go before it becomes wrong. In the end free expression does not always mean we truly have the freedom to express our selves, instead we are only allowed to express ourselves to a certain extent.

Related Links:

Freedom of speech defined

Free Expression in the classroom

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Male Cheerleading... Sorry not for me

During a class discussion on gender and the difference between boys and girls and how they are raised the subject came up about what if a boy wanted to be a cheerleader? Every guy in the room had the same feeling about male cheerleaders, it is girly and guys should not be a part of it. When I was in high school and saw male cheerleaders I thought that they were gay and that was that. Now that I have matured and met male cheerleaders in college, they actually are quite the ladies men. Sure there are some flamboyant male cheerleaders but there are also some really nice, down to earth, straight guys as well. I think male cheerleading is a personal choice, and no matter what cheerleading will still always be viewed as more of a female sport. Still, with that being said in the end there is nothing wrong with a male being a cheerleader. If you want to be one go for it, just be warned that many negative stereotypes will come along with it and you are just going to have to fight through it and get over it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Am I Privileged???

As a white middle class male living in America today I would have to say that I am privileged. I am privileged to be able to attend college, that my family is financially stable, that I have been raised in a good environment, but do I have white privilege? It might sound bad or wrong of me to say this but deep down I do feel that I do have some sort of white privilege. These are things that most of the time I take for granted unless I am made aware of my current situation, that happened to me today when watching "Pathology of Privilege" and listening to Tim Wise.

In listening to Wise and the multiple statistics he made when talking about what white privilege is I couldn't help but think back on my life and my experience when being white played in my favor. Now I just want to make clear that I do not feel that this is right, I do not feel I should be given the benefit of the doubt just because the color of my skin, but I cannot help but to think that at the end of the day in certain situations it did. If that is the case should I really be mad at myself or feel guilty? I really don't know how to answer that question to be honest.

For example, today I went to best buy to look at phone cases, I walked in right behind a big African-American male looked to be about my age and possibly a football player judging by his huge stature and his OU apparel. The man at the door, who was a middle aged white male, who normally greets people by saying "Hi, welcome to best buy" did not say a word to the black male, however literally five seconds later he looks at me as I walk through the door and says "Hi, welcome to best buy can I help you with anything today." I actually smiled and laughed. I immediately thought of the video and couldn't help but to think to myself, "Wow, Wise is right." Now there could have been a thousand other reasons why the door greeter did not greet the black guy in front of me, but after today's lecture I could not help but think that it was a reason. With that being said, I do have white privilege rather I like it or not. It is just there and in many situations I will be seen in a different light based on the color of my skin. I guess I should be thankful, or consider myself lucky but I feel guilty in saying that, but should I be? Whatever the answer is I know that is some way shape or form I am privileged regardless of my skin and for that I am thankful and consider myself lucky.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thoughts on Race in the Media

It would be a flat out lie to say that race is not portrayed in the media, it is not done on purpose but yet it is still there. When watching commercials, sporting events or the evening news it is very apparent. I feel however that in some situations race is so common on certain topics that we as viewers are used to seeing it and we have become oblivious to the situation. On the other hand, I also feel that it race is portrayed more in certain situation, it almost varies from topic to topic

I am a sports freak, I can watch any sport at anytime, and when I think of the best athletes in the world in major sports I tend to think of African-American athletes. In the basketball world I immediately think of Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Michael Jordan. In golf I think of Tiger Woods, in the NFL I think of Randy Moss or my all time favorite player Emmit Smith. All of these athletes are African-American, but seeing them perform and hearing them being talked about on television and radio I do not even think about their race, I see them as the best players in their sport.

Then on the other hand you have our last presidential election. Barack Obama is our nation's first African-American president. When watching the inauguration many people made a point to make sure that he was our first black president like if we could not already tell. It seemed that people were making a very big deal about President Obama's race then his actual political views. This was a momentous occasion, but why did the media and many people decide to make it just about race?

Comparing this to sports, Tiger Woods will most likely go down as the best golfer to ever live and that's it. Not Tiger Woods was the best African-American golfer to ever live; he is the best overall period. Woods is the only African-American player on the PGA Tour and no one makes a big deal about that. I feel that in the end the media seems to make race a bigger issue on certain topics than others. I would almost them rather make race a part of every story or just leave it alone completely. I know that is a big statement to make and not a very realistic one at that, but I feel that making someone's race a part of a story when there are so many other angles and views that can be taken it almost seems like they are settling when they can do so much more. Race has always been in the media and will always will be. It shapes our views and stereotypes rather if we notice it or are completely oblivious to it, it will always be present in media.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celtics must deal with more injuries

Celtics, Powe out for rest of playoffs with torn ACL

It looks like Kevin Garnett will have some company on the sideline as backup forward Leon Powe will be out for the remainder of the postseason.

Powe tore his ACL in his left knee in the second quarter in last nights win against the Chicago Bulls. Powe who was out for almost all of March due to a right knee problem will now have sit out to rehab his other knee now.

The Celtics were able to still beat the Bulls 118-115 last night to even the series at 1-1. They were led behind Ray Allen who scored 27 points in the second half. The Celtics were depending on Powe and Glen Davis to fill the void with Garnett being out. Now they will have to rely even more on Davis and rarely used Mikki Moore.

The Bulls who have surprised a lot of people by keeping games close with the defending champions have a lot of people thinking that the baby Bulls can actually win this series. With Powe going down the Bulls should be able to win the rebounding battle which can give them a realistic shot at winning the series.

Additional Headlines:

He Got Game: Allen hits game winner against Bulls

Parker and Spurs even series 1-1, beat Mavs

Dampier to Parker, "I'm putting him on his back"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More 1st Round Games

Jazz continue to struggle on road, lose game 1

The Utah Jazz have struggled all year long on the road. Still many experts gave them a chance to take the Lakers deep into a series, those experts might be wrong.

The Lakers were able to dominate the Jazz this afternoon and win by a score of 113-100. The Lakers were led by MVP candidate Kobe Bryant who had 24 points.

"They kept knocking on the door and we just never let them in," Bryant said.

The Jazz will have to win at least one game in LA if they want a chance to win the series. The Jazz are 15-26 overall on the road this year. The Jazz are realistically the only team who matches up well with the Lakers. If they are not able to put a dent in the Lakers game plan everyone else in the West has a very slim chance of winning.

Additional Headlines:

Philly gets surprise win in Orlando

Hawks stop Wade and Heat win game 1

Hornets, Nuggets game 1

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It has begun!

Rose sets record in playoff debut

The Chicago Bulls went into the Boston Garden today to play the defending champs and the baby Bulls were given no chance, they shocked the world today behind there youngest bull.

Derek Rose tied Kareem Abdul-Jabaar's record for the most points by a rookie in his playoff debut today with 36 points and 11 assists. Rose was able to lead the Bulls to a win over the defending champs 105-103 in overtime.

"He doesn't need playoff experience," Bulls guard Ben Gordon said. "He's poised beyond his years. He already carries himself like a veteran out there. He had a phenomenal game tonight, to say the least."

Just like last year, the Celtics played down to there competition going seven games with the Atlanta Hawks in the first round last year. This year the Celtics are without Kevin Garnett, their biggest inspiration. Without Kevin Garnett the Bulls have a real chance of upsetting the defending champs in the first round. This series will be very interesting in the upcoming week.

Additional Headlines:

Mavs go into San Antonio and steal game 1

Lebron and Cavs beat Pistons in game 1

Rockets win game 1 in Portland

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Celtics lose KG

Garnett possibly for the playoffs

The big three in Boston is now the big two as the defending champion Celtics are losing the big ticket for the first round of the playoffs and possibly the entire postseason.

Kevin Garnett knee is still giving him problems and his own coach is saying that he is not ready for playoff basketball. Garnett is the backbone for the defending champion Celtics, he is their inspirational leader and the center piece of that tough defensive front.

"It's not official that he's out for the entire playoffs, but it's official as far as I'm concerned," said Doc Rivers, head coach of the Celtics before practice at the team's workout facility. "I just don't see how. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see it."

If KG is out for the playoffs more than the big two in Ray Allen and Paul Pierce will have to step up. Role players such as Rajon Rondo, Glen "Big Baby" Davis and Leon Poe will have to contribute and fill the void of the big ticket. The Celtics will get past there first round match-up against the Bulls, however, after that, it does not look good for the champs.

Additional Headlines:

Mavs beat Rockets Clinch 6th Seed

Philly beat Cavs, secure 6th seed in East and ruin Cavs record setting night

Spurs beat Hornets in OT, Clinch 3rd seed in West

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hornets get redemption on Mavs

The Dallas Mavericks were looking to gain sole control of the sixth seed in the Western Conference this afternoon when they tried to win their second straight game over the New Orleans Hornets, however Chris Paul decided otherwise.

The Hornets were able to get the win over the Mavericks in the big easy this afternoon by beating the Mavericks by a score of 102-92. The Hornets were led by Paul who was a rebound shy of a triple-double. Paul had 31 points 17 assist and nine rebounds. The win gives the Hornets control over the sixth seed in the West with two games left to play

"Obviously, you want to be seeded as high as possible, but it's all about us playing well," Paul said. "Whatever seed we get, I think we'll be fine."

The Hornets will travel on the road to take on the San Antonio Spurs and the Houston Rockets while the Mavericks will return home to face the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Rockets. This next week will be a fun one to watch in the Western Conference

Additional headlines:

Cavs destroy defending champs

Questionable three gives Spurs win in Sacramento

D-Wade goes for 55 in the Garden

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mavs in the hunt for 6th seed in West

Mavs get another big win

The Dallas Mavericks are on a roll as they won another huge game last night against the New Orleans Hornets. The Mavs beat the Hornets 100-92.

With the win the Mavericks now move into the seventh seed in the Western Conference after being the eighth place team for most of the season. The Mavericks were led by Josh Howard who had 25 points and 11 rebounds in the win.

"Everybody that got in the game tonight was crashing the boards and just doing the right things at the right time," Howard said.

With the win the Mavs record is identical to the Hornets who have the six seed in the West, however the Hornets own the tiebreaker with more head to head wins. That can change tomorrow afternoon win the Mavs and Hornets will play again, this time in New Orleans. If the Mavs can get a win they will move into the sixth seed in the Western Conference with only three games left to play in the regular season.

Additional Headlines:

Blazers shock Lakers win 106-98

Jazz lose again, drop to 8th seed in West

LeBron and Cavs win again, officially clinch top seed in East

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Suns are done

Mavs crush Jazz, tied for 7th seed

The Dallas Mavericks played their biggest two games of year on Sunday and last night, both nights they were able to step up to the challenge.

The Mavericks crushed the seventh seed Utah Jazz last night in Dallas by a score of 130-101. The Mavs were able to kill two birds with one stone last night, they are now tied for the seventh seed in the Western Conference with Utah and they officially eliminated any chance for the Phoenix Suns to make the playoffs.

"Knowing the importance of each game and the sense of urgency, we treat every game like it's a Game 7 playoff game," said Mavericks guard Jason Terry, who scored 21 points last night.

The Mavericks have a chance to move up to the sixth seed in the West as they will play the sixth seed New Orleans Hornets on Friday and then again on Sunday. The Mavs are currently only one game back of the Hornets with four games left to play in the regular season.

Additional Headlines:

Porland beat Spurs, 3-way tie for three seed

Ginobili done for year, Spurs championship hopes in trouble

Cavs one win away from winning east

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sun has set in Phoenix

Mavs crush Suns end any playoff hopes in Phoenix

This was the biggest game of the year for the Dallas Mavericks and the Phoenix Suns, if the Mavericks win the Suns season is all but over, if the Suns win they have a legitimate chance to sneak into the playoffs, it looks like the sun has set Phoenix.

The Mavericks crushed the Suns 140-116 and now the Suns chances of making the playoffs are slim to none, and that is an understatement. With five games remaining in the regular season if the Suns lose one game or the Mavs win one game, Phoenix is eliminated from playoff contention.

"We're not holding our breath," Suns guard Steve Nash said.

The Mavs now have a chance to do what they have been wanting to do for a while now and that is move up to the seventh seed to avoid a first round playoff series with the Los Angeles Lakers. The Mavs have a chance to do that when they play the seventh seed Utah Jazz at home on Wednesday.

Additional Headlines:

Jazz get huge win in New Orleans, stay game ahead of Mavericks for seventh seed

Pistons beat Bobcats, create separation for eighth seed in East

Cavs smash Spurs improve to 37-1 at home on year

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cavs and Magic battle for best in the East, Magic dominate 116-87

If I were to tell you the Cleveland Cavilers and the Orlando Magic were playing and the final score was 116-87 you would probably guess the Cavs won, right? That was not the case last night.

The third seed Magic crushed the top seeded Cavilers 116-87 last night in Orlando. It was the first time in LeBron James's career where he has ever been down by 40 points. The Magic were on fire shooting 53 percent from the field. The Magic were led by Dwight Howard who had 20 points and 11 rebounds in the victory.

""We did not have a guy who didn't play well tonight, not a guy," said Stan Van Gundy, head coach of the Orlando Magic.

The goal for any team in the eastern conference in the playoffs is to try and stay away from Cleveland for as long as possible. However, for the Magic this win might have given them the confidence to really believe they could beat Cleveland in seven game series.

Additional Headlines:

Suns win seventh straight at home, makes Sunday match-up against Mavs HUGE

Celtics beat Hawks, maintain number two spot in the East

Wade and Heat clinch playoff spot with 97-92 over the Bobcats

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mavs chances down the stretch

Mavericks chances to shake things up in the west

There are ten games left in the regular season and the Dallas Mavericks are currently the eighth and final playoff spot in the Western Conference, but could the Mavs shake up the West with a win on Sunday?

If the Mavs were in the Eastern Conference they would currently be the fourth seed, with home court advantage and a contender to win the East, unfortunately that is not the case but they do have a chance to shake up the West on Sunday when they face the league leading Cleveland Cavilers.

If the Mavs can get a win on Sunday they would be just half a game out of the seventh seed and a one game out of the six seed. For the Mavs to make a solid run in the playoffs they have to avoid the Lakers for as long as possible.

The Mavericks have six of their remaining ten games at home where they are 26-9 on the year. However seven of the ten games are against plus .500 teams, with huge match ups with Utah, New Orleans and Phoenix all in one week. The playoffs start now for the Mavericks, its win or go home

Additional Headlines:

Phoenix loses heartbreaker to Jazz 104-99 in OT

Denver beats Golden State 129-116 move up to third in Western Conference

Rip Hamilton returns as Pistons beat Wizards, begin to make playoff surge

Friday, March 27, 2009

Six game streak snapped

Blazers snap Suns six game winning streak

The Phoenix Suns came into last nights game against the Portland Trailblazers on six game winning streak and had some momentum to make a push for the final playoff spot in the western conference. It is amazing how one game can change things.

The Suns lost to the Blazers 129-109 last night in Portland. The Suns, who are currently three games out of the eighth and final playoff spot in the west really needed to keep their winning streak going last night but were not able to get it done.

"We cut ourselves into a deep hole with too many mistakes, and they capitalized on out mistakes," said Shaquille O'Neal, who had 20 points for the Suns. "We left their shooters open way too much and they knocked down the shots. They had a lot of energy."

The Suns do not have time to dwell on the lost as they have another tough game as they face the Utah Jazz on Saturday in Salt Lake City.

Additional Headlines:

Kobe and Lakers beat reeling Pistons, Detroit fighting to stay alive in Eastern Conference

Celtics and Hawks battle for elite position in the East

Mavericks look to get big win against Nuggets to be tied for seventh seed in the West

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Suns still burning

Phoenix gets BIG win against Utah to remain in playoff hunt

The Phoenix Suns needed a big win last night against the six seed Utah Jazz to remain in the playoff picture, they got it.

The Suns were able to beat the Jazz by a score of 118-114. The Suns were led by 36-year-old veteran Grant Hill with 26 points and 5 rebounds.

"He's playing as good as when he was 25. The big thing is he's healthy. He's made a lot of big plays for us," said Alvin Gentry, head coach of the Suns.

The win puts the Suns three games back of the Dallas Mavericks for the eighth and final playoff spot in the western conference. Both teams have 11 games left in the regular season and will meet April. 5 in Dallas. It is coming down to the wire and every game counts, especially in the western conference.

Additional Headlines:

Magic clinch Southeast Division title after beating Celtics 84-82

Denver moves past New Orleans for final home playoff spot after beating Hornets 101-88

Mavericks maintain three game lead over Suns for final playoff spot

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First place Lakers beat eighth place Mavericks 107-100

If the playoffs started today this would have been a first round match-up between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks, and this probably would have been the result.

Kobe Bryant and the Lakers beat Dirk Nowitizki and the Mavs 107-100 earlier this afternoon. The Mavs had the lead deep in the fourth quarter but the Lakers, lead by Kobe Bryant went on a 12-0 run to end the game giving them the win.

"It's why he's Kobe Bryant," said Jason Terry, who led the Mavs with 29 points. "He does things in the fourth quarter that only a few players can do."

The Mavericks have a four-and-a-half game lead over the Phoenix Suns for the final playoff spot in the western conference with 16 games to play. However, if the Mavericks stay in the eighth seed in the west and are forced to play the Lakers they may not want to be in the playoffs at all.

Additional Headlines:

Suns get much needed win in bay area

Williams leaves game with injured knee, Jazz try to remain seventh seed in west

LeBron and Cavs close to securing home-court advantage, improve to 29-1 at home

Friday, March 13, 2009

Best in the West Battle

Best in the West, Lakers beat Spurs 102-95

In a match-up between the two best teams in the western conference the Los Angeles Lakers beat the San Antonio last night by a score of 102-95.

The Lakers started off hot and lead the Spurs by 18 points in the first quarter. The Spurs were able to come back however they were not able to mount enough of a comeback on the west best team.

"It's difficult to spot the best team in the league 18 points and then go play," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "It was a really tough first quarter. They played great and didn't miss many shots. They made shots and we played badly."

This could be a preview of the western conference finals as the Lakers and the Spurs know what it takes to win down the stretch as both teams have won a combine seven championships since 1999.

Additional Headlines:

Phoenix loses six straight game, playoff hopes on the rocks

Hawks snap Jazz 11 game winning streak, Jazz still climb the ranks of the West

Mavs win games on back-to-back nights, 2 games out of third spot in West

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Suns Struggle

Suns continue to slip away from playoff contention, lose to Spurs 103-98

The Phoenix Suns are in a position where they cannot afford to lose a lot of games coming down the home stretch of the regular season if they want to make the playoffs. They did not help their cause tonight.

The Suns lost their fourth straight game today losing to the San Antonio Spurs 103-98. The Suns, who are still without Amare Stoudemire, had everyone else available but they still were not able to pull out a win against their arch rivals the Spurs.

"We're in desperate position," said Steve Nash "Let's do our best, not panic."

The Suns are now four games out of the eighth seed in the western conference with only 19 games left to play. The Suns have a huge match-up against the Dallas Mavericks next week who currently control the eighth seed.

Additional Headlines:

Howard and Magic beat Celtics as the beast of the Easts collide

Utah increases win streak to 11, climb up the western conference standings

Rockets extend home game winning streak to 12, move to third in the west

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday Night Ball

LeBron gets triple-double as top seed Cavs beat Wade and Heat

In a match-up between arguably the two best players in league lived they up to their reputation in what could be a potential playoff match-up in a month.

LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavilers beat Dwayne Wade and the Miami Heat tonight 99-88. James recorded a triple double with 14 points 12 assists and 10 rebounds. Wade almost did the same as he had 25 points 12 assists and 8 rebounds. The win puts the Cavs as the top seed in the Eastern Conference.

"It's something we've been able to do this year," James said. "It's something we really haven't been good at in the past, but we've been able to bounce back from certain losses and games where we thought we could play a lot better."

This match-up could be a possible first or second round playoff series when they start in a month from now. James and Wade facing off against each other in a seven game series would be one of the greatest playoff battles in recent memory.

Additional Headlines:

Suns pick up Swift as Spurs pick up Gooden to make run down stretch

Breaking down playoff contenders

Hawks end Pistons four-game winning streak in what could be potential playoff match-up

Friday, March 6, 2009

Potential Playoff Match-Ups

Mavs beat Spurs in potential first round match-up

In what is arguably the best rivalry in the entire league the Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs battled once again to show who was the superior in the Lone Star State.

The Mavs were able to beat the Spurs by a score of 107-102. This match-up is a potential first round match-up between the two playoff experienced teams. The Spurs are currently in second place in the Western Conference and the Mavs are in the seventh seed.

"If we play hard every possession like we did tonight, we can beat a really good team," said Mark Cuban, owner of the Mavericks, "Now it's up to the guys to keep on doing it. ... I knew what we were capable of."

The Mavericks who have struggled all season needed to prove to themselves and their fans that they are still capable of beating good teams. Will they be able to continue there strong play in the last third of the season. Only time will tell.
Additional Headlines:

Top two teams battle in Eastern Conference as C's beat Cavs

Stoudemire done for season, playoffs included

Hornets on a roll after Chandler's return, fighting for home court advantage in playoffs

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crazy Sunday in NBA

Shaq gets revenge on Kobe, Suns beat Lakers 118-111

Last Thursday Shaquille O'Neal returned to Los Angeles where he and the Phoenix Suns were defeated by Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers, tonight the Diesel got his revenge.

The Suns beat the Lakers 118-111 in Phoenix this afternoon. O'Neal lead the Suns in scoring with 33 points and 7 rebounds. This was the second straight game that the Suns were able to get a win without two-time former MVP Steve Nash and All-Star Amare Stoudemire.

"It's what I do," O'Neal said. "I've been doing it since 1992. If you don't believe it, Google me."

Bryant was the leading scorer for the game with 49 points, he also was able to pull-down 11 rebounds.

"We're going through a period right now where everybody is just kind of tired a little bit," Bryant said.

This was an impressive win for the Suns. Currently Phoenix is in the 9th seed in the Western Conference, two games out of a playoff spot. This was a big win beating arguably the best team in the league. If the Suns are able to continue this great play behind O'Neal the Suns might be able to sneak into the playoffs and make some noise.

Additional Headlines:

Pistons upset defending champs without Iverson's help

Iverson and Pistons must adjust to keep playoff hopes alive

Jazz make noise in Western Conference, increase win steak to eight

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rip for Iverson

Pistons stop skid, beat Magic in possible playoff match-up

The Detroit Pistons have been locks in the playoff since 2002, now the boys from Motown are wondering what has happened to their team.

The Pistons were able to get back on track last night as they beat Eastern Conference elite, the Orlando Magic. The Pistons changed their starting line-up once again last night as they started guard Richard Hamilton and benched former MVP Allen Iverson.

"We want to get back into being aggressive, getting in passing lanes and pressing," Hamilton said. "We did a great job of that tonight."

The Pistons have been less than stellar since trading Chauncey Billups to the Denver Nuggets for Iverson a few months back. The Pistons have lost seven in row coming into last nights game and are currently in the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference.

Will the Pistons be able to get back on the winning track and be serious playoff contenders like they have been in previous years? Or could this be the end of an era in Detroit?

Additional Headlines:

Dirk scores 41 as Mavs beat OKC to hold on to final playoff spot in the west

No Amare, no Nash, no problem, Suns stay alive in playoff hunt

Marbury shines in debut with Celtics

Friday, February 27, 2009

Marbury signs with Celtics, strengthen bench play

The Boston Celtics might have just added the final piece to their roster to help solidify them as the favored team when the playoffs start in a couple of months.

The defending champs have just signed ex-knick Stephon Marbury to their team after he passed a physical earlier this afternoon. Marbury finally agreed to let the New York Knicks buyout the remainder of his 20.8 million dollar contract and is expected to receive a veteran minimum while playing with Boston for the remainder of the year.

"We are very excited to have a player of Stephon's caliber joining our team," Celtics general manager Danny Ainge said in a statement. "Our entire organization is confident in the belief that Stephon can play an important role in helping us to win another championship."

The Celtics where desperately looking for help off the bench after losing Forwards James Posey and PJ Brown during the off season. Marbury should help fill that void, he has averaged 19.7 points and 7.8 assist per game over his 12 year career, even though he has been on the decline while playing in New York since 2004.

Additional Stories:

Pistons continue to struggle, struggle to find new identity after years of domination

Kobe ruins Shaq's return to LA, as Lakers rout Suns

Rockets improve to 6-0 without Superstar McGrady, move to 3rd seed in Western Conference

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Amare-less Suns come up short against Celtics in much needed win

Amare-less Suns come up short against Celtics in much needed win

Earlier in the week it seemed that the Phoenix Suns were back and could make a run for a championship after a coaching change and a change of style. Then after an injury to Superstar Amare Stoudemire it seems that those championship dreams have faded.

The Suns lost to the Boston Celtics this afternoon in what was a "measuring stick game." The Suns came up short losing 128-108. This was the first time in three games that the Suns failed to score at least 140 points, and was the first game without Amare Stoudemire who had surgery on his eye on Friday.

"We've got a lot of work to do," Suns point guard Steve Nash said.

Nash had a double-double of 19 points and 11 assists but it was not enough to overcome the defending champs. Rajon Rondo of the Boston Celtics scored a career high 32 points and added 10 assists and 6 rebounds as well.

The lost now puts the Suns a game and a half back of Utah for the eight and final playoff spot in the Western Conference. Phoenix will have to step up next week if they want to remain in playoff contention, they will play the defending Western Conference Champs the Los Angeles Lakers next Thursday at the Staples Center.

Additional Headlines:
Wade scores career high but lose to Magic in potential playoff match-up

LeBron and Cavs reign supreme over Pistons take control of Eastern Conference lead

Ginobili out 2-3 weeks with ankle injury as Spurs try to maintain home court advantage in West

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stoudemire to miss remainder of regular season with eye injury

Stoudemire to miss remainder of regular season with eye injury

A couple of weeks ago Amare Stoudemire was the biggest name on the trade market and ended up going nowhere. Now the Suns have essentially traded him for nothing in return.

Doctors have said that Stoudemire is expected to miss the rest of the regular season after suffering a detached retina in a game earlier in the week against the Los Angeles Clippers.

"I was having problems with blurriness from sweat and getting a good fit," Stoudemire said at the time. "Enough was enough."

Yesterday, Stoudemire had surgery to repair the retina, and he is expected to have a 100 percent recovery, but at what cost? The Suns are currently in the 9th seed in the Western Conference and they are now losing their best player who scores on average 25 points per game.

The Western Conference has nine playoff caliber teams and only eight chairs at the table. Who will be on the outside looking in? If the Suns are not able to rally and have certain players step up to fill the void the Suns will be having a long off-season, something that is not acceptable in Phoenix.

Additional Headlines:

KG out for 2-3 weeks with injury, home-court advantage in question

LeBron scores season high 55, takes advantage of openings in Eastern Conference

Alston solidifies point guard spot for Magic for championship run

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Suns heating up, back to up-tempo style

Suns heating up, back to up-tempo style

A couple of weeks ago the Phoenix Suns season looked over for sure, if anyone has watched their last two games they would think they are watching the Suns of old.

The Suns are back to there run and gun style that has won them 50 plus games over the past couple of years. It has brought playoff hopes back to city, and this all began after the firing of former coach Terry Porter and appointing players favorite Alvin Gentry.

"We just ran and played free" said Amare Stoudemire. "It felt totally different."

Stoudemire, who was involved in trade talks with multiple teams looks like he will be staying in Pheonix after all. Many people believe the reason Stoudemire ended up staying in Phoenix was because of the firing of Porter. Porter milk-the-clock offense was not the Suns style and was apparent as they struggled to remain in playoff contention throughout the first half of the season.

"Alvin wanted us to play loose and up-tempo, and I think that was contagious," said Steve Nash

The question remains: Is it too late for the Suns to come together for a playoff run? If the Suns are able to continue this type of play they can be a force in the Western Conference come playoff time.

Chandler fails physical, returns to New Orleans

T-Mac out for season, Houston title hopes in jeopardy

Alston skips to Orlando as Nelson gets surgery

Sunday, February 15, 2009

West beats East 146-119, Shaq and Kobe share MVP honors

Five years ago the dynamic duo of Shaq and Kobe was so rough that the city of Los Angeles was not big enough for the two of them, tonight made fans forget that drama.

O'Neal and Bryant helped lead the Western Conference to a dominant performance beating the Eastern Conference 146-119 in the 58th annual NBA All-Star Game. The former duo shared MVP honors becoming the first to do so since 2000 when O'Neal split the award with Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs.

This was the first time that O'Neal and Bryant have been teammates since 2004 when they lost in the NBA Finals to the Detroit Pistons. In addition, O'Neal and Bryant were joined by their coach Phil Jackson who help lead Bryant and O'Neal to three championships. Jackson was the West All-Stars coach.

"It felt like flashbacks. It felt like '99 to '02."O'Neal said during an interview on TNT.

Bryant lead all scorers with 27 points while O'Neal added 17. LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavilers lead the Eastern All-Stars with 20 points. O'Neal and Bryant join Michael Jordan and Oscar Robinson for winning All-Star MVP honors three times. Bob Pettit leads all-time in winning the award by receiving the honor four times.

Full story at

Additional Headlines:

Update: Gentry to replace Porter as Suns head coach on Monday

Stoudemire wants a say in Suns trade discussions

Mavs and Spurs intrested in Carter to help playoff chances

All-Star Saturday night has superhero feel

All-Star Saturday night has superhero feel

In the comic books Superman is always able to foil the plans of Lex Luther and come out victorious in the end, Saturday night in Phoenix Lex Luther came away with the victory.

Nate "Lex Luthor" Robinson was able to dethrone the defending slam dunk champion Dwight "Superman" Howard in tonight's NBA Dunk Contest. Howard came out strong putting up two perfect scores in the first round of competition including dunking on a 12 foot goal just after he put on his superman cape which he did the year before.

"It is all about having fun," Howard said. "Hey, he won fair and square. The fans loved it. We tried to put on a good show. That's what it is all about at All-Star weekend. It doesn't matter who wins or loses."

Going into the final round Nate Robinson sported a kryptonite green uniform and shoes which was able to help him jump over the seven foot Superman to seal the win for the contest.

"I asked him yesterday in the elevator," Robinson said. "He was like, 'Hey, I'll do it.' I thought he was joking."

Robinson is a two time winner of the competition winning this year and in 2006.

Additional Headlines:

More dispair in Phoenix, coaching changes possible

Rookie Rose shows he has skill

Cook heats up, wins three-point contest

Friday, February 13, 2009

Durant sets record as Sophomores beat Rookies in first game of All-Star weekend

Durant sets record as Sophomores beat Rookies in first game of All-Star weekend

Every February in the NBA comes a time when the best talent in the league is put on display. It starts with the up-and-coming stars and finishes with the best players in the world. Tonight was the night when and up-and-comer became a legit star.

Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder help lead his Sophomore team to a victory over the Rookies in the T-Mobile Rookie-Sophomore challenge in Phoenix tonight. Durant scored a record 46 points in the win shattering the previous mark, 34, set by then sophomore Amare Stoudemire.

"I approached it like a regular game," Durant said. "I wanted to go out and have fun. Fortunately my shots were going down."

The sophomores have one the last seven match-ups against the rookies. Micheal Beasly lead the rookies with 29 points, but the night obviously belonged to Durant. Although Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder do not have a chance to make the playoffs this year it is still a positive to see their "franchise player" dominate the competition. Hopefully in the future Durant and the Thunder can become a championship quality team.

The weekend festivities have just begun. Saturday night will bring the 3-point competition and the beloved dunk contest which will features last years winner Dwight Howard. The weekend will finish up on Sunday as the East meets the West in the 58th annual All-Star game.

Additional Headlines:

O'Neal, Marion deal start off All-Star weekend with a bang

Celtics show championship poise, come back to beat Mavs

Utah look to make playoff push after All-Star break

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bryant and Lakers end Cavs 23 game home unbeaten streak

Bryant and Lakers end Cavs 23 game home unbeaten streak

It is only fitting for the two players who set records at Madison Square Garden finish the week off by playing one another.

Today, Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers beat LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavilers 101-91. The Lakers win ended the Cavilers 23 home game unbeaten streak.

Neither Bryant of James played extremely well, Lamar Odom had a season high 28 points for the Lakers while Zydrunas Ilgauskas led the Cavs in scoring with 22 points. Bryant finished with 19 points on 8 of 17 shooting while James had 16 points, 12 assists and 8 rebounds.

The win made the Lakers the first team in NBA history to win back-to-back games against teams with a winning percentage of .800 or better at least 40 games into the season.

This was the final regular season match-up between Bryant and James, the next time they could possibly meet is in a showdown at the NBA Finals.

For the full story head to

Additional Headlines:

Duncan and Sprus surge past Celtics in possible finals match-up

Mavs lose Terry with injury, teammates must step up to stay in playoff hunt

Suns wanting to deal Stoudemire or Shaq to help make playoff run

Friday, February 6, 2009

LeBron's triple-double at MSG not to be

LeBron's triple-double at MSG not to be

It has been a dream week for basketball fans at Madison Square Garden, however one players memorable performance has been brought down a couple of notches.

Wednesday night, LeBron James became the first player since 1975 to score at least 50 points and record triple-double, or so we thought. Today the NBA has determined that one of James's 10 rebounds should have been credited to center Ben Wallace.

The NBA has released a statement reviewing the game: "All NBA games are reviewed to ensure the accuracy of the game statistics."

James's 52 points, 11 assists and 9 rebounds came two nights after the reigning MVP Kobe Bryant scored 61 points setting the record for most points by an opponent at The Garden. On Sunday, Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers play James and the Cleveland Cavilers at 2:30 p.m. on ABC.

Additional Headlines:

Magic trade for Lue to keep championship hopes alive

Boston back to winning ways, complete dream week at Madison Square Garden

Nash and Suns continue to struggle, more questions arise as trade deadline approaches

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kobe and LeBron Set Records At The Garden

Kobe and LeBron Set Records At The Garden
The two biggest names in the basketball world today proved there greatness on back to back games at the mecca of basketball.

On Monday night, Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers scored the most points by a visiting player in Madison Square Garden history, 61. 48-hours-later, LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavilers came in to The Garden and scored 52 points. James also had 10 rebounds and 11 assist making him the first player to score at least 50 points and have a triple-double since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1975.

Both Bryant and James showed just how good they are on the biggest stage in basketball. The question now is, whose performance was more impressive, Kobe's or LeBron's?

James's line was more well rounded than Bryant's. Kobe scored 61 points, but had zero rebounds and only three assist. However, Bryant scored the most points ever by a visiting opponent. That includes the names of Iverson, Bird and Jordan.

James has scored 50 plus points in his last two trips to New York, and if he would have made a a couple of his five missed three-pointers and would have hit the three free throws he missed, Bryant's 61 points would have been broken and this conversation would not be taking place. The question of whose performance was better can go both ways, and fans have already begun the great debate.

*Which performance do you feel is better? Comment below!

For original story click here.
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